Tuesday, April 2, 2013

cloudy with a chance of meatballs. judi barrett. illustrated by ron barrett. (100)

i am quite disappointed with myself for not realizing what an important day today is but just discovered thanks to this flavorpill article about
celebrities' favorite children books, that today is international children's book day. and luckily for me i recently checked out one of my favorite children's book, "cloud with a chance of meatballs" for brother bear so can post about it!

if i had to guess, i first read "cloudy with a chance of meatball" in the 4th grade. i do remember writing a story based on the book. it was called "cloudy with a chance of pancakes" (which i just realized with my re-reading was not that creative since the grandpa's story was based on "flying" pancakes) and featured the simpsons as the family (wow! talk about copyright infringement!)

my love for this story just proves one thing, i have always and will always be a fat kid. as a kid, i always wished that i lived in the land of the chewandswallow and that food just fell from the sky for me to eat! talk about paradise! though now i would be very precise about what i would want to fall from the sky.

if you have never read the story, it's kind of a story within a story. grandpa tells
his grandchildren a story about a mythical land called chewandswallow where food falls from the sky. whole meals fall from the sky for breakfast, lunch and dinner. the city also has a sanitation department that was very green. they gathered the extra food and feed the animals and the rest was put in the soil to make it richer for gardens. however, the weather changes on them and the food becomes disgusting so they had to sail to a new land. and in this new land, they have to adjust to snow and rain falling from the sky and getting food at the grocery store!

cute story, huh?

ron barrett also did an excellent job with the illustrations. look how great they are:

the hot dog is one of my favorites!

since we all know i loved to eat, this will alway be one of my favorite books!

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