Tuesday, September 23, 2014

the vacationers. emma straub (233).

i had originally checked out the vacationers back in july because it was on everyone's summer reads list, however, i decided to wait until my vacation to hawaii to read it.  i figured it would be the perfect setting for it.  since the wait list was long for the book, i decided to check out the ebook but i received it before my trip.  i ended up canceling that and requesting it again.  luckily, my turn occurred just in time for my trip.  seriously, though with a cover like that i couldn't sit on my couch and read it at home.

the vacationers is the story of the post family's summer trip to mallorca.  the vacation was off to a rocky start before a single plane even took off due to all the extra baggage everyone brought along with them.  franny and jim post are on the verge of seperation due to jim sleeping with an intern from his work and consequently his resignation from work.  ironically, the trip was suppose to be celebrating their anniversary. their daughter, slyvia, was dealing with her own drama, losing the boy she liked to a friend and having embarassed herself at a party, was happy to leave on this trip and had a goal of losing her virginity.  their son, bobby, unaware of father's infidelity, brought along his much older girlfriend, carmen (which the family did not approve of) , and his financial troubles from miami (which the family was unaware of.) and rounding out the group, was sylvia's best friend, charlie and his husband, lawrence (who was oddly jealous of their relationship).  charles and lawrence's extra baggage was they are in the midst of adopting a baby, though charles still seemed on the fence about the idea of being a father.

of course, with all of this drama, chaos does ensue, but it is hard to pity any of them because they are on a luxurious vacation. lives were falling apart but at least there was beaches, a pool, and a mansion to distract them. furthermore, it's a family trip, of course there is going to be chaos.  and in the end, everything worked out for everyone and for those of you who are curious, sylvia lost her viriginity!

to be perfectly honest, i am not sure why this was on everyone's must read list for summer.  i have definitely read more entertaining and delightful books this summer.  i mean it was a perfect beach read since it was light and all the drama was kept me reading, but for the most part i think it was chosen due to its cover.  that cover is adorable and screams summer.  it is definitely a book i would have picked up on cover alone.  but would have been disappointed with myself for choosing a book by its covef,especially  since i am normally so good at it!

if you haven't read this yet, i would wait until next summer because it would less disappointing if read on a beach somewhere.  

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