Tuesday, February 12, 2013

happy valentine's day, emma! james stevenson (91)

so i take the kids from the dance studio on "adventures" to the library on tuesdays. tuesdays are now known as adventure days.

so today, emma (who is a high schooler) were helping rylie (who is a 1st grader) look for books. i suggested a valentine's day book. and as we were looking we came across this gem. ry was not interested because it isn't halloween. bi emma was excited her name was in the title so we checked it out. and i am so glad we did!

last year at the studio we hosted our first annual anti-valentine's day potluck because darlene is not a fan and i am up for any kind random potluck/party. i had the teachers and TAs make anti-valentine gifts ie crossed out love on stuff animals and gave half eaten boxes of chocolate. I also made these amazing cookies:

anyway, so when emma started to read the first two pages, she began to laugh.  and then emma christened the two evil witches, darlene and krisha. based on their hate of valentine's day and our anti-valentine's day potluck:

hilarious, huh?  and just for the record, i actually do love valentine's day.  my auntie tracey always got us the cutest gifts for valentine's day.  also i'm a sucker for hearts being put on anything and everything.  also it's the only time i can get juju hearts, well find them in stores.

so for those of you interested in the story.  lavinia and dolores are haters and hate on poor emma who loves valentine's day.  emma decides to make valentines even though she and her owl and cat friends are sure they won't get any in return.  so lavinia and dolores, being the haters they are, give emma valentines but horrible gifts like chocolate-covered worms and flowers covered in sneezing powder.  since their pranks are so mean, the cat, owl and emma plan their revenge.  they send valentines to lavinia and dolores, who all of a sudden are excited for the holiday and get done up and bake cookies.  but emma and her pals make them think their valentines are a giant rat and a giant frog so lavinia and dolores run way.  then emma and her pals go home and find all of their valentines from their woodland friends.

cute, huh?  will definitely become a valentine's day staple for my family, if and when i have kids.

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