Monday, July 22, 2013

the lorax (125) and scrambled eggs super (126). dr. seuss.

brother bear checked these out for summer reading and since i never read them, decided to read them with him.

i know, how horrible that i never read "the lorax".  i am pretty sure one of my elementary teachers read it to me but i never read it on my own.  i knew the gist of it (even prior to the movie) and acknowledge that is is an important read for kids.  after reading it, i wished that i had a seed for my brother to plant due to the ending but alas, i didn't.

dr. suess was quite the prophet.  i mean preaching about our responsibility for the planet's survival decades before the green movements of today.  it is also quite anti-capitalism, against the abuse of limited natural resources.  i mean i don't know much about dr. seuss' politics other than he drew political cartoons and was racist (he was against asian immigration in the 40's) so not sure of what hidden messages may be in this story.  but regardless, I think it is important for all kids to learn that "unless" they care for the planet, no one else will and will destroy the planet and will no longer have a home.

dr. seuss's seems like a swell guy for putting out this message but when you juxtaposition it with "scrambled eggs super!", it is almost like he is a different guy!  granted "the lorax" came out about 20 years after "scrambled eggs super" so dr. seuss was more earth conscious.

"scrambled eggs super!" is the story of a young boy, peter t. hooper, who created an amazing meal he called "scrambled eggs super-dee-dooper-dee-bopper, special de luxe à-la-peter t. hooper".  one tuesday, peter t. hooper was about to make scrambled eggs when he thought to himself, how boring to have scrambled eggs using common hen eggs, so he goes hunting for eggs from unique birds. if you know me, i personally am all for this book! i will eat anything and everything based on its uniqueness.  peter t. hooper and i would totally be the best of food friends.

however, when juxtaposition with "the lorax", i am pretty sure the lorax would not agree with what peter t. hooper was doing.  i mean those unique birds had to be on some endangered species list so peter is essentially a poacher.  he did call people to get his eggs for him (like a poacher).  all of these eggs gathered from around the world so one kid can have scrambled eggs is excessive.  the lorax would not approve.

but seriously, i am not that person to be concern about the rights of animals that i eat.  at the heart of it, "scrambled eggs super" is a delightful read and my inner fat kid loves it!!!

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