Thursday, September 19, 2013

the fantastic mr. fox. roald dahl (141)

last week in honor of roald dahl's birthday, i finally watched wes anderson's "fantastic mr. fox".  of course, anderson walks on water in my eyes so i loved it.  it was sweet and clever and filled me with whimsy, just like all of his other films.  and though the film and the book are nothing alike other than the premise, there was a scene from the movie that sparked my desire to read the book.  it involved bunce and his goose liver doughnuts!  foie gras doughnuts!!! though a villan, bunce sounded like my kind of man!  and so i wondered did this really happen in the book?  did dahl or anderson create this dessert??

and of course . . . it was dahl!

bunce is alittle on the short side but, if he made me foie gras donuts everyday, i could look pass it.

the rest of the story was of course a delight.  mr. fox is fantastic and clever, stealing food from the three farmers.  though i guess it is quite horrible that he does steal from them.  but i will justify his thievery by claiming that the farmers left mr. fox with no alternative by farming mr. fox's hunting grounds and a fox has got to eat.  mr. fox did have a family to feed.  also they destroyed his home!  they turned a hill to a crater, so here is another justification for his stealing.  also  he ashared his stolen goods with the other animals which makes the stealing okay.  he wasn't a greedy thief, more like robin hood!  

also the farmers did shoot off mr. fox's tail (poor guy) so stealing their goods was sweet revenge in my book.  and really did  bean need that much cider???

all in all, this book was a delight and if you have never read it, pick it up.  let me know if boggis, bunce, and bean are still waiting by the fox hole.

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